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…into a great relationship with food and your body.
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DIETING IS RISKY BEHAVIORStudies suggest that the pursuit of the thin ideal and unhealthy weight control behaviors increase your risk for disordered eating and binge/purge disorders. Dieting stresses your brain out, making you hungrier, and setting up unhealthy eating patterns.
A DIFFERENT DIET IS NOT THE SOLUTIONWhen one diet or “lifestyle plan” fails, you seek another. But it's the “eat less, exercise more” paradigm that fails you. Bumping your head up against that same old wall leads only keeps you stuck in the restricting-overeating cycle.
WILLPOWER IS NOT THE ANSWERYou think that if you just find the willpower to stick to the food plan and get to the gym, you can get the body of your dreams. But no amount of hard work sustainably turns a body into something it's not meant to be.
THE DIET MENTALITY IS THE PROBLEM"Health" strategies that leave you battling with hunger and feeling like a failure, aren't healthy at all. It's time to turn away from the voices that promote body shame and heal from the pressure and stress of diet culture.
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